Why does my SafeCom-device show the error: "Out of order"? (Troubleshoting)

Explains what`s wrong and how you can troubleshot the error message: "Out of order".

When the "Out of order"-message is displayet in the panel of the device it`s indicating that the SafeCom client installed on the device is unable to communicate with the SafeCom server.

First thing to check is if it`s just affecting one device, or multiple. This may help you troubleshot if it`s a server-, network, og a local issue on the device.

  • Are the SafeCom services running on the server(s)?
  • Are you able to reach the device from the server? (ping and web service)
  • Are the server config on the printer correct? ...try using the IP-address instead of hostname or FQDN to eliminate any DNS-issues.
  • Is the firewall blocking required ports? (please refer to the SafeCom Administrators Manual).
    Different device brands, and even some different models of the same brand may have different network requirements.
  • Is the network cable attached to the device?
  • Could it be an IP conflict?