Conditional Watermarking of Print Jobs (FAQs)

Conditional Watermarking of Print Jobs

Is it possible to change watermarking based on situations/conditions?

Yes. This is possible using the print scripting feature. A script can set, change or turn off watermarking based on any condition such as username, user group, document name, and other device attributes. The action API that sets watermarking is:

actions.job.setWatermark("My Watermark Text")

Please see the print scripting and the pre-written recipe “Print Scripting for Students and not Staff” for more information.

How do I conditionally turn off watermarking?

This can be done by setting the watermark using a print script to an empty zero-length string. For example:

  if (inputs.user.isInGroup(“Staff”)) {
actions.job.setWatermark(“ ”);



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